Sunday, September 28, 2008

Portland Art Open and Milepost 5

The Portland Art Open was great. I got to see a couple of artists that I know from the internet in person. They were both in the Art Open, at the Milepost 5 complex.
Jud Turner, and Linda Hoard. Both very talented artists and both positive people. It was a real treat to meet them face to face, and to see the work I've seen on a monitor in person. The monitor just doesn't do justice to either one of them!
The artists were in empty units in the Milepost 5, which is a new live/work condo unit for artists. I really liked the units that I saw, and there were artists on three floors. The third floor didn't have any artists, so I can't give a review on that floor, but the fourth floor was fabulous! I could definitely see myself and my work living there.

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