Sunday, September 11, 2011

The next ten years

It is my hope, my wish, that we can recover our compassion, recover from the trauma that was inflicted on our nation. That we can look at one another and see fellow Americans, instead of Muslims, or Christian or Jewish or Pagan.
It is my dream that we, as a species, can learn to heal and to move on. Not to forget, for that is not possible, to forgive and move on, for ourselves.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

New Work, Corporate Commission

The Phoenix Rising  encaustic on poplar panels

 This piece is done! It was an adventure, working on a piece as large as this one, in encaustic.
I modified an office chair and it worked perfectly!

These other images are closeups of the new art supply I've been working with. It's a proprietary formula, and so my lips, they are SEALED!!
This particular piece is for the Phoenix Brite corporation. They are a financial sort of place. Not my area, I'm just the artist...

I love encaustic, I really do! This piece came out really well, better than I had expected. I think the shellac burned in really gives it a hot appearance. Nice! Fun to work with, and it can give such a fantastic webwork to the images texture.