Tuesday, April 26, 2011

This is going to be my next encaustic nude, I think. I'm tired of seeing these idealized images that really have nothing in common with real women. I see these women not just in commercials, but in every magazine, and on every billboard.

These images, I believe are porn inspired. As time goes on, I had hoped that women would be freed of the madonna/whore dichotomy, but that has not happened.

Instead, I see younger and younger girls trying to compete for male attention. If only they knew; men will take pretty much what we give them. If we women quit buying into the porn nonsense, then men will get over these unrealistic expectations of a wasp waist and ridiculously large boobs. Yup. I called 'em boobs.

We women have to take some responsibility for the current issues. With that in mind, the rest of my women will be real. Real with breasts that have suckled children, and hips that have some curve. Women are supposed to have healthy curves. Not sticklike bodies, not mounds of fat, but bodies that are healthy and that do what we need them to do; to live a good life full of love and explorations. To create, whether that creation is in the studio, the computer room or the kitchen, that is what our bodies are for. To take us to the places where we want to be!


I am a follower of Hazel Dooney, and just recently, Damien Hirst appropriated the title of one of her blog posts. This does not surprise me, and it saddens me, that he would do that.
What happened to originality?
I oh so expected better from this guy, but no, he is no better than any other media whore. Sad.
Hazel has had a rough ride, she works hard at both life and her art, and I admire her for it.
Shame on you, Damien Hirst!

To be honest, I'm not a fan of anyone appropriating anyone's art without giving credit where it is due. I can understand using a quote, but one should make sure that the source is cited. Not take someone else's thoughts and use them as one's own.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Oh boy!! I just got my Rocket Putty!!

OK, so I have this chemistry lecture series that I attend; at one of these I met a talented chemist by the name of John Pojman. He has this bunch of magical chemicals that he has developed, with his son, John.
Not only was this guy a great lecturer, but he has all of these magical, wonderful substances. He and I had a conversation after the seminar.
The upshot is that he sent me a bunch of samples. I can't wait until Monday. Oh Yeah! Monday is art day, experiment day. Uh huh!
Now, I have to talk him out of some of the other magical stuff he has, this coating that has crazy cool patterns when it propogates. I LUST after that stuff really bad!!
I can't wait til Monday!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Art is My OCD

I just recently did an exercise in class. In this exercise, we discussed ourselves and our feelings about art. Why we do it, and why we feel the way that we do about art.
For me, I have to create. There is no giving it up.
Everything I see has another purpose in my eyes. As my condition is getting worse, I'm getting ever more creative; how's that for irony?