Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Turkey Day, all of you lovely people!

I had a great day! I saw grandkids, I ate turkey and sweet treats! Then I came home and painted!
What a great day!!!
I'm still working on my Angry Chair; I'm pleased with the way it's coming out. It looks like ANGRY!
I'm off to the easel, now. I have a show to get ready for and a painting to finish!

Friday, November 20, 2009

It's been awhile but I've been REALLY busy!

I've unbelievably busy! I've been working on commissions, working part time, and attending Portland State University full time!

I've also managed to squeeze in an opening, and the start of a new painting.

This is the second in my chair series. This is the start of The Angry Chair. I've gotten more done, but no pic at the moment. Will post one when I get a chance!
The chair is going to be many different shades of red. Thorny, angry reds.