Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Big Score!

I love Craig's List! I do, I do, I do!!
I was perusing the Free section, an addiction of mine, and what should I see? But a record store closing up shop, and welcoming folks to come and help themselves to display racks, lights, cases, and even electronics!
I got a new set of grid walls, for FREE, as well as a really cool cart that I can use to haul prints. I'm pretty excited about it. We got a closet organizer thing, all shiny chrome. Way cool!
Any opportunity to recycle and keep something that's perfectly good out of the landfill is all right with me.
Mi familia is due here anytime, and I'm looking forward to seeing them. :)


dfg said...

Hi, This is 'Sammee' from the arts forum. I just started a new blog for fun and I was hoping to link to a few forum artists and people in general.

Unknown said...

Hi Sammee! Waving wildly...
Nice to see you on here :)