Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year's to the World!

I wish for the world is that this decade will be better than the last. I hope that peace spreads like Athlete's Foot! Incurable and very contagious!
Everyone out there, have a good time tonight, and be safe!
I don't know about everyone else, but I'm glad we made it through this decade!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A New Gallery

I went out to Beaverton today, all the way on the West side. I mean WAY out there on the left side!
I went with my husband and we rode the Max out there. The Max is the light rail system here in Portland. It goes to quite a few places.
We met with the business owners, two nice ladies, and we discussed many things, not just business.
It was a pleasurable business meeting. :]
They should all go so well, lol!
I'll be taking a few things out there after Christmas, when I have some stuff done. Stream of Consciousness will be there. We're going to put a nice frame around it, and take it out there. I think that it might do well, there; here's hoping that it sells!
Well, I have to go. I have images in my head, wax to melt, and things to do!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Impatiently waiting

for a special order glass cutter so I can finish my latest commission. It's looking pretty good, so far.
I'll post pics when it's done. And the process pictures. :]

Friday, December 11, 2009

Update on the Angry Chair

It's coming along! It's angry, it's red; it's uncomfortable. I need a better camera, I know the top image is darker than it should be. The bottom image gives a better indication of the actual colouring.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Work in Progress- Angry Chair

The next in the chair series is on the easel, and coming out very well. I've had to struggle a bit with the shadow under the chair. Next is the background work!
The blue one is the prussian blue underpainting. It really pops out that red!
The red is where it's at right now. I have a commission to finish, and then I get to work on the Chair.
It's oil on birch panel. I used Dorland's Wax Medium in the oils, it gives it a really visible texturing.
I need to get a better camera, there's some really nice texture that isn't showing up as well as I'd like, in the hills behind the Chair.
But! I think with the right camera I'll be able to better reproduce my art.
I'm happy that the tax season is nearly here, Happy Tax Day gets a new camera for me!!